Life is expensive, especially if you want to lead a fine life. Eating out, smoking or drinking, driving a car… It might not seem like a lot but these things can be expensive, especially if you’re eating in fancy restaurants, smoking fine cigarettes or drinking expensive drinks, driving a fast car… Regardless of your lifestyle, you could still use some money set aside for emergencies. Here are 6 simple lifestyle changes that will save you money:
1. Cook and eat healthy
You might be used to ordering food and eating out, and no one says that you have to entirely stop doing these things. But, do them on rare occasions when you really don’t feel like cooking. If you learn to cook and enjoy it the other times, it will save you a lot of money, especially if you pick healthy food. Going on a healthy diet doesn’t have to be expensive if you learn to prepare your meals on your own. What’s best, you can cook whatever you’d like to eat. Finding good recipes can be challenging but you’re allowed to make your own! How about a portion of cooked vegetables for dinner and a smoothie for dessert? You don’t have to make anything complicated unless that’s what you want.
2. Give up one bad habit
Do you have bad habits like smoking, drinking, or gambling? If something is bad for both your wallet and your health it’s not a wise choice. Consider quitting your bad habit for the sake of saving money if not for your own well-being. You can use the money you save to reward yourself with whatever you want except the thing you’re quitting. For instance, you could put money in a jar when you would usually buy cigarettes. Keep putting the money in the jar for a few months, and then count the cash. Was it worth it? Well, your health would sure say so, but your wallet will agree too. When you see what you can buy yourself for the money you saved by quitting your bad habit, it will really feel like a reward. If you can’t quit cold turkey, at least try to cut back. Less bad habits mean more money, so try to quit at least one of them if you have several.
3. Ride a bicycle
Going everywhere with your car or paying for a cab takes a lot from your wallet. How about riding a bike instead? Of course, you won’t be able to use the bike all the time, but as long as you use it whenever you can, you’ll still save money. What’s more, riding a bike helps you stay fit and it’s better for the environment. Nowadays, you can even rent bikes depending on your location. You can also walk somewhere if you’re not going very far. Sounds silly but a lot of people are so used to moving around in a vehicle that they forget to simply take a long walk sometimes. If you regularly use your bike and take walks, you might even be able to cancel your gym membership. Spend time in nature, and you can always go swimming too. Staying active is good for you and helps you save money.

4. Always pay in cash
One of the simple lifestyle changes that will save you money is simply not using your credit cards. Always pay in cash for everything. Cards might be more convenient, but it’s harder to keep track of your money that way. When you pay for something with cash, you’ll be much more aware of how much it costs and how much it leaves you with. Actually feeling the money in your hands has more effect on your conscious than swiping a card without thinking too much about it. You are likely to spend your money with more caution, and it will save you money as a result.
5. Choose just a few big brand items.
Labels and big brand items are meant for certain things, not all of them. You don’t have to buy exclusively big brand items. Consider what are the things where what they have to offer is really important to you. However, make sure to think about all the things where the name of the company that makes the product doesn’t matter so much. For instance, maybe you’d pick a big brand when choosing a laptop that you use for work or a hobby. On the other hand, maybe you only buy designer clothes or expensive shoes. This has a huge impact on your wallet, and you need new things over and over again. So, try to consider what you can have that can last longer than an outfit. For instance, you could have designer bags if you don’t buy new bags as often as you buy clothes and shoes.
6. Keep track of your money
Finally, one of the simple lifestyle changes that will save you money is keeping track of things. This has been made significantly easier with the use of apps. There are a lot of money-saving apps that will help you keep track of your spending habits and take note of the money that you have left.
Making these small lifestyle changes isn’t so difficult, but don’t forget that you have to be persistent for the change to take effect. Spend wisely!