Sleep is essential to your child and well-being. In fact, the habit of good sleep starts from birth. Children who don’t sleep well may trouble you during the daytime and may find it hard to settle at night. But good sleep is important for your child as his/her growth hormone secretes during the sleep. It also protects the heart of a child from any vascular damage. Sleep prevents your child from getting overweight and protects from germs, as during sleep, a protein is produced named CYTOKINES (Which helps to fight against infection, illness, and germs).
6 Tips to Help Your Baby Sleep Better
1. Set up a regular sleep time
Most children are open and ready to begin a sleep time routine at around 6 to 8 months. But you have to make sure to feed him right before bedtime. Regular sleep time will help your infant stay healthy. A newborn’s sleep varies a lot. After a month or so, babies sleep for 14 to 17 hours both day and night, your baby will sleep more at night than during the day. Great quality rest implies your youngster dozes and doesn’t awaken time and again. Most profound rest happens before 12 pm, so getting your kid to bed early will assist them with taking advantage of this period for good rest.
2. Sleep Time Routine
The first few weeks of your baby’s life can be the toughest for you. This world is new for your baby. Your baby doesn’t know day from night. Make sure you let him sleep at the same time daily, so he/she gradually realizes that it’s their sleep time. Fix a sleep pattern, and be consistent; this will help him get habitual to the routine gradually. Don’t change their place again and again like a bed or a crib, so when you put them in they’ll know that it’s time to sleep.
3. Evening Activities
Babies need at least 45 to 60 minutes of exercise each day, which helps them in their motor development. Exercises like putting your baby on the bed on his back and offering him your index finger to grasp, as the baby gets a grip, pull your finger back. This will help strengthen his arm and shoulder muscles. Or you can put them down on the tummy on a play mat, they may not do much but later on, they will push themselves up to look around. The reason behind doing these activities in the evening is that the baby will get tired and he’ll sleep well at night.
4. Don’t disturb your Babies at Night
Most of the time baby wakes up in the middle of the night and starts crying or not. There can be various reasons they haven’t been fed or fell asleep while their mother was feeding them or they may be in an uncomfortable position due to which child woke up asleep. Or because of illness, teething, separation anxiety, or other age-appropriate fears. In such scenarios don’t draw his attention rather than interacting with them pat them until they get calmed down but stop before sleep comes so that they learn to nod off on their own. Because too much stimulation can make it hard to settle again.
5. Play with them right before Bedtime
Play relaxing games at night. This holds your child back from getting energized before sleep time, yet gets them tired from the day’s exercises. Keep games the same every time night after night. Make each game calm and peaceful, particularly before bedtime. You can also use their favorite toys to play with the most. Or you may interact with them by talking to them. Playing also helps them to know the world around them and how to interact; it also helps parts of the baby’s brain to grow and connect.
6. Daily Bath before Bed
Doctors don’t actually recommend this, but bathing before bed can be a nightly ritual for babies. The water shouldn’t be that hot or cold, it must be moderate as the sensation feels like a womb. After the bath, the body temperature starts to cool which will help them to fall asleep. The bath time should be 5-10 minutes not more than that, and make sure you use cotton wool for the baby’s face and eyes, and a washcloth for the rest of the body. After the bath give your baby a gentle massage as it slows down the physiology, so it manages the heart rate and blood pressure and turns brain waves into the direction of relaxation.